TMJ Treatment – Houston, TX

Houston TMJ Expert

Do you wake up with sore and tired jaw muscles? Have you noticed that your jaw joints pop and click when you open and close your mouth, making basic tasks like eating uncomfortable? Dr. Tom Hall is an orthodontic specialist with advanced TMJ expertise and training who can help manage the discomfort caused by TMJ under control. Call our orthodontic office today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can ease your chronic jaw pain with TMJ treatment in Houston.

Why Choose Hall Orthodontics & TMJ for TMJ Treatment?

  • An Orthodontist with Expertise in TMJ Treatment
  • Complimentary First Examination to Assess Your Case
  • Other TMJ treatments have not provided Relief

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder (TMD)

Woman laying in bed touching her jaw in pain

When your jaw joints are sustaining extra tension and pressure due to overworked muscles, bite misalignment, or tooth alignment issues, you may experience a wide range of symptoms that include some or all of the following:

  • Pain, ringing, or fullness in and around the ear
  • Chronic neck tension and headaches
  • Migraines
  • Limited opening of the mouth
  • Clicking, popping, or crunching sounds when you open and close your mouth
  • Tension in the muscles surrounding the jaw joints
  • Jaw that has locked
  • General pain in the jaw and area around the joints and in front of the ear
  • Clenching and or grinding of the teeth at night
  • You have tried wearing a night guard for relief While not every case of TMD requires extensive intervention, in those where it’s impacting your daily life by causing you chronic pain or routine discomfort, supervised treatment is necessary.

How Does an Orthodontist Treat TMD or TMJ Disorder?

At Hall Orthodontics & TMJ, we offer comprehensive treatment options for TMD. Dr. Hall has a proven treatment approach to this condition using a proprietary nighttime-only removable orthotic splint.  TMD is caused by genetically programmed nighttime grinding and clenching. Tooth alignment and jaw alignment are also factors that can increase the TMD/TMJ symptoms and pain. To address the underlying cause of your discomfort, he offers some options to relieve muscle tension and night bruxing hyperactivity, including a proprietary intraoral splint or orthotic to help stabilize and relieve stress in the muscles and the jaw joints. Once muscles are functioning normally and comfortably, the patient can be evaluated for bite stabilization with orthodontics and other procedures. It is not necessary to wear the devices during the day, only at night. TMD should not require the patient to have all teeth capped or crowned, although this is one extreme treatment option being offered by some dentists. To learn which of our TMJ interventions will work best for your unique case, seek help today by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Hall.

TMJ Treatment FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions about TMJ treatment in Houston. If you have others or would like further clarification, don’t hesitate to contact our team for an appointment with Dr. Hall.

How Can Braces Help with TMD?

In addition to an occlusal splint, the oral appliance that eases jaw tension, orthodontic treatment including braces can reduce jaw pain by making sure the upper and lower teeth match up in a healthy way. When your bite is properly lined up, you not only have more efficient biting and chewing but also less strain on the jaw joint. As an orthodontist and TMJ specialist, Dr. Hall offers expertise in both of these areas, helping our patients achieve healthier, stronger smiles with less pain.

Do Certain Foods Make TMJ Issues Better or Worse?

If you struggle with TMJ pain, you should try to avoid foods that require hard chewing, such as crunchy chips and nuts, chewy candy, or even tender steak. These foods require more force from the jaw muscles, which can aggravate your condition. Softer foods can take the pressure off the muscles and jaw joint, offering you some relief temporarily. Making certain choices in your diet can help reduce the amount of work your jaw has to do to eat, potentially helping your symptoms.

Is Jaw Pain a Dental Emergency?

Normally, jaw pain and other TMD symptoms are uncomfortable but tolerable for a brief period of time. If it ever interferes with your capacity to eat or function, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible in an emergency visit. Otherwise, you should be able to schedule an appointment with our team at your convenience. In other words, it depends on you and your tolerance for your symptoms. We are always here to help when you need us.

What Can Make TMJ Pain Worse?

Certain habits in your lifestyle could be increasing your TMJ issues, crunching ice, chewing gum, slouching in your posture, resting on your chin, and more. These habits create more pressure and strain on the jaw joint and muscles, making your symptoms worse. As a result, if you stop doing these, you can help alleviate some of your pain, until you are able to address the underlying TMJ problem.