Orthognathic Surgery – Houston, TX

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery moves your teeth and jaws into positions that are more balanced, functional, and healthy. Whether your needs include improving your bite and function, appearance, or speech, corrective jaw surgery can have a dramatic and positive effect on your outlook on life. At Hall Orthodontics & TMJ, we are here to work together with you to help you achieve a beautiful, functional, pain-free smile that will last for the rest of your life with orthognathic surgery in Houston.

What Is Orthognathic Jaw Surgery?

Close up of upper and lower row of teeth after orthognathic surgery in Houston

Some orthodontic cases may require jaw surgery. When there is a misalignment of the upper and lower jaw, jaw surgery is used to realign one or both of the jaws. It’s also referred to as orthognathic surgery. It’s performed by oral or maxillofacial surgeons working along with an orthodontist. Orthodontics is necessary to establish pre-surgical archform and tooth alignment. Once the is accomplished, the surgeon will do the surgery while the braces are on.

There are several reasons why jaw surgery may be recommended. For example, jaw surgery could adjust a misaligned bite due to abnormal jaw growth of one or both jaws.

What Is the Purpose of Jaw Surgery?

Jaw surgery may be recommended if you have a jaw issue that can’t be addressed with orthodontics alone. Orthodontics is a specialized type of dentistry concerned with the positioning of the jaws and teeth. Orthodontics can straighten and align the teeth, and surgery is necessary to align the jaws.

Dr. Hall and the oral surgeon will work together to help develop a treatment plan that’s appropriate for your condition.

Dr. Hall has extensive experience with orthognathic surgery cases. Traditional and lingual braces qualify for all jaw surgery cases.

Some examples of things that jaw surgery can help with include:

Who Needs Corrective Jaw Surgery?

Model of the upper jaw split down the middle with metal wire connecting both halves

In some cases, your upper and lower jaws may have grown at different rates. Injuries and birth defects may also affect jaw alignment. While orthodontics can usually correct problems when only the teeth are misaligned, corrective jaw surgery may be necessary to correct misalignment of the jaws. If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you may be an excellent candidate for corrective jaw surgery:

  • Difficulty chewing, biting food, or swallowing
  • Chronic jaw or jaw joint (TMJ) pain and headache
  • Excessive wear of the teeth
  • Open bite (space between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed)
  • Unbalanced facial appearance from the front or side
  • Facial injury or birth defects
  • Receding chin
  • Protruding jaw
  • Inability to make the lips meet without straining
  • Chronic mouth breathing and dry mouth
  • Sleep apnea (breathing problems when sleeping, including snoring)

Receiving treatment to correct any of the above conditions is a commitment, not only to your health, but to your happiness as well. While treatment, which may include surgery and orthodontic treatment, may take several years to complete, the results will last a lifetime. There is no reason to live with painful, uncomfortable jaw conditions. Contact our orthodontic office to learn about the best treatment option for you, your needs, and your smile.