About Our Orthodontic Office – Houston, TX

Where Proven Experience Produces Remarkable Smiles

Man smiling with woman wearing braces from Houston orthodontic office

Hall Orthodontics & TMJ is led by Dr. Tom Hall, an expert in the field who brings more than 28 years of experience to patients living in Houston and its surrounding areas. Providing extensive orthodontic services to both children and adults, we incorporate the use of advanced technology and specialty care to deliver efficient, life-changing results. As you learn more about our Houston orthodontic office and what we offer, you will discover that choosing Hall Orthodontics & TMJ is a decision you will not regret. Feel free to review the information provided and call us with any additional questions.

Exceptional Experience

Houston Texas orthodontist Doctor Tom Hall smiling

Dr. Tom Hall is a certified orthodontist who has cared for more than 15,000 smiles. With extensive experience and advanced training in everything from interceptive orthodontics for children to lingual braces, TMJ treatment, and accelerated orthodontics, he sees patients from all over the country who desire straighter, healthier smiles. With 28+ years of experience, his attention to detail and approach to orthodontic care are unlike any other professional in the area.

Patient Centered Efficiency

Young man with glasses and braces grinning

At Hall Orthodontics & TMJ, we understand that our patients have busy lives, which is why we aim to deliver optimal efficiency. Using innovative technologies and solutions as well as an array of treatment options, Dr. Hall can easily optimize a patient’s time so that fewer appointments are required without sacrificing quality.

Specialty Dental Services

Smiling woman with braces and yellow sweater

Traditional braces are not the only service Dr. Hall can provide. In fact, his services expand far beyond the basics to include specialty care that encompasses TMJ treatment, surgically accelerated orthodontics, lingual braces (including InBrace), Phase 1 Orthodontics for children, and more. As the only Houston orthodontic practice that is considered a Center for Excellence for Lingual Braces, he and his team are dedicated to re-treating and improving patient smiles.

Proven, Reliable Results 

Woman with braces and long brown hair smiling

Many of Dr. Hall’s patients arrive having previously worn traditional braces or aligners. Displeased with their experience and outcomes, they turn to him because he produces proven results with superior treatment options. As a certified orthodontist who possesses specialty training that cannot be found anywhere else, he is considered the premier orthodontist in Houston who makes it his ultimate goal to create perfect, healthy smiles every time.